Wow, really interesting article over at Zogby International talking about how they did the first mobile phone poll to see whom people are going to vote for. In an obvious nod to the incredibly (and inexplicably) popular American Idol pop candy show, the folks over at Zogby finally figured out that there is a huge group of people who don't answer their land line phones anymore -- and, surprise, they are young and liberals! Oh by the way, this isn't a politically motivated post, just an opportunity to point out to you that the times really are a changin'. Stop over and take a look ... here's a little quote:
"Mr. Zogby went on to note that Zogby International plans to explore future text-message surveys in response to concerns throughout the polling industry about reaching mobile telephone users. He added that text-messaging has become an important tool for political activists on both sides of the political spectrum, and Zogby International will be at the forefront of technology shifts that affect polling."
No shit ... What do you think?
hmm......Definitely an interesting concept. When I first read the post I thought I was really going to get into this idea, but I don't know. I guess it is kinda cool and useful to see what teens think. The trend that most teens who answered the poll were voting for Kerry wasn't really a surprise to me, especially from walking around this campus!!! I would have went the other way, if you know what I mean. But anyways, I think this could be a cool thing for the future, to see what teens are thinking as far as politics go.
Posted by: Chad Workman | 12/01/2009 at 01:55 PM
If a solicitor texts me asking any questions I would probably have a fit no matter what the topic. Where's my privacy? “How did they get my number?”, I would wonder. I think that’s going too far unless you would have to sign up for this service. Otherwise it’s rude. I scan and rate associates from 1-10 on whether or not I’d be comfortable and if it would be a smart move on my behalf to share my number. It’s hard enough ignoring calls from unwanted callers/friends but now from complete strangers constantly texting me? Plus, my phone makes a weird ring every time I receive a text. Do you know how annoying that would be?
Posted by: Angelica | 12/01/2009 at 01:55 PM
Im always over my texting bill so that could be a problem. But where is the privacy? Sending a text message to me is something I only feel comfortable sending to people I know, how do you know who its coming from and that its legitmate?
Posted by: dana | 12/01/2009 at 01:55 PM
Im always over my texting bill so that could be a problem. But where is the privacy? Sending a text message to me is something I only feel comfortable sending to people I know, how do you know who its coming from and that its legitmate?
Posted by: dana | 12/01/2009 at 01:55 PM