Like most Mac users who've made the switch to 10.4 I use Dashboard. I've thought about looking at how to create one, but never really had the time ... Over the break I've been thinking about ripping Apple's sample Widget code apart to learn how to do it ... this morning I grabbed their sample RSS reader code and changed a couple of strings to point to this blog. I didn't alter the look and feel at all, just updated a couple of things. I know, not very original but its a start. At any rate here is a zipped up version of it. If I can make the time over the break to bang a little more, I will.
I tried the same thing; even jazzed up the look, but the code won't read my RSS feed when I substitute the address of my RSS file...frustrated with this problem. If you hear of a solution, please let me know!
Good luck with YOUR widget!
Posted by: Ray Katz | 01/01/2006 at 06:00 PM