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James Basore

Hi cole,
it's an interesting thought/dilema; who "owns" or co-owns a podcast that is created by the instructor but that contains the voices/comments/discussion of students.

Hopefully ownership won't become the focus, and the experience will live as part of a new classroom dynamic that becomes accepted as a normal part of college teaching and learning. I actually think the idea of students editing portions of a lecture may be something that is ultimately encouraged especially if the student does this appropriately (audio citation?) as a way to further develop the ideas that are brought to life in the class.

Interesting post...
p.s I like the changes to the site


Cole Camplese

Now that is an interesting concept ... encouraging students to rip, mix, burn the lectures their heart's delight. I think you just created a new assignment concept for me. I will try that and see what they say. And thanks for the site feedback!

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