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pete whitfield

hi cole
I find your blogs so stimulating. Our humble institution in Manchester (UK) is grappling somewhat further down the ladder, but in our discussions the emphasis is not so much on what teaching staff can deliver to students, but what tools we can give to students to create for themselves. In fact a colleague suggested to me that maybe the essay is dead and blogging (in its broadest, generalised sense), and personal broadcasting will replace the traditional essay format.

Or if teaching staff are going to podcast, how will it augment what goes on in the classroom? What could students hear/see that suits the medium and adds value?

I certainly look forward to feedback about iTunes U and podcasting on campus - some dos and donts maybe.

Cole Camplese

Pete, thanks for the feedback. I keep telling people around me that comments keep you going and is what stimulates bloggers to push to TRY to create interesting content. I'll be sure to share my iTunes U thoughts as it all unfolds this Fall and further down the line.

I am very curious about how podcasting and blogging (and other easy personal publishing models) will impact what faculty expect from students. Will they accept digital content as a substitute for the more traditional stuff? I am betting they will -- it will take time, but as we as educators and administrators add more opportunities for students to be digital, things will change. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts as your programs evolve as well.

Eric Aitala

Sounds useful...


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