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Obadiah Greenberg

Couldn't help exploring the rest of your iTunes U site. Impressive! Especially like the faculty development resources. Great use of iTunes U. I wasn't able to get behind the firewall before this via itunes.psu.edu. Is the cat out of the bag? Hope so, because there's some great stuff.

Cole Camplese

Thank you! We've been working really hard. IS the cat out of the bag? Not quite, but more and more people are showing up. We are still struggling with a few things, but all in all it is looking very positive. Now we are catching our breath and kicking off the assessment part to the project. What you can't see are about 45 courses in there -- such a small percentage of what goes on at PSU, but it is a pilot. The things that is exciting is to watch the track count going up in the courses area. Last week there were maybe 45 tracks, last night it had hit 98 ... faculty are doing that on their own!

THe bigger question for us is how will iTunes U fit into the larger ecosystem at PSU? Is it for courseware or is it for public content ... given the state of eLearning it has real potential, but so does our course management system. At the end of the day it is great to have options and to be able to explore them.

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