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Tom D

In a former position, we had "consultants" assigned to each of the areas that our work group served/supported. These consultants sat in on high-level strategy/staff/planning meetings within the area, developed/maintained relationships with staff and leaders in those areas, and served as the single point of contact back to our central support function. On the plus side, the model allowed relationships to be built up and nurtured over time, creating trust and rapport between our central support area and the areas that we served/supported. It also gave us a proverbial "seat at the table" and kept us closer to the customer, to borrow from business parlance. On the down side, the model added another layer of staff and did slow down the creative process a bit by adding another layer and handoff. How would a model like this sit with your vision of engagement at ETS?

Cole Camplese

Not sure that can really work in our environment. I am willing to explore, but it just doesn't feel right. Is that enough of a response? Maybe a larger conversation would be appropriate?

Tom D

No biggie -- it was just an idea.

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