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Marc Friedenberg

It seems to me that a little competition isn't so "evil." One of the main ways that Microsoft was able to dominate with IE was bundling with Windows, and also offering the product for free. For Web-based applications, bundling is really a non-issue (although I suppose there is convenience in having many of your services provided by the same company, with the same login information, profile, etc.) and Second Life can't be much cheaper to join than it already is. So what's the problem?

Cole Camplese

I don't see any problem and I guess I should have made that more clear. It just jumped up at me. Reminded me of how MS used to be able to come into a market and just flat out win. Google does a ton of good -- so far. When you start to look at the way they are working to index everything from libraries to personal email it does make you scratch your head a little. Of course for the most part we let them in the front door. Just thought it was interesting the see a product like Google Earth being played as a VW envrionment.

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