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Chris DiEugenio

Mine has been a day of headaches...

Chris DiEugenio

I finally got it to work...after buying an Airport Express for $99 and ditching my Linksys router. It's still not syncing at great speeds, but it is working. It works blazingly fast with a MacBook streaming or just browsing the iTunes Store trailers etc...

At this point, I think the actual bottleneck in the system is the Mac mini's wireless sending/receiving capabilities. The case of the mini itself may be making it slow? I don't know what the root of its airport issue is but I have a feeling that it's design is somehow causing a reception or transmission issue.

Chris DiEugenio

Scrap that! Problem solved!!!

After 2 days of not realizing this, I feel DUMB. In the basement, next to the Airport Express sits an older Flat Panel iMac. The iMac is maybe a foot away from the Base Station. Once I turned off Airport on that iMac, the next closest machine to the Base Station is the Mac mini, upstairs. It seems that the Base Station signal was getting "hogged" by the iMac in the basement, but now the signal is out from under that suffocation and the signal is no longer hindered.

Cole Camplese

I am using the older Airport Extreme. I also have an Airport Express in the house acting as a wireless repeater. I've no problem, in fact the speeds have been outstanding.

Chris DiEugenio

Do you use an airport base station with your setup? I'm thinking that the issue is with my Linksys wireless router...

Chris DiEugenio

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Prioblems: unable to sync or stream content to the Apple TV. Unable to play movie trailers or iTunes content from the iTunes Store. The pages load, so it connects, but then if I click on say '300,' it will never load the trailer. At one point, I was able to sync, but it was sending content at a rate of 1 song every 10 minutes. It seems like it is getting a weak signal, if any, but then the signal bar on the Apple TV menu is full, suggestiong perfect reception. I think there's a hardware issue with the Apple TV...

Here's what I've done, so far. Factory reset, restarted my computers, reset the router, turned off firewalls, repositioned the Apple TV so there was no interference issue.....called Apple. Apple had me do everything I already did and they left me with "the router might have a firewall built into it." I disabled that but still nothing...

There's a hangup happening when Apple TV appears in the iTunes source list, I enter the pin, then it tries to authorize on the iTunes Store and nothing happens for the longest time. Eventually, it will try to sync, but nothing syncs. If I attempt to stream content, it will say "loading Chris's Music," but it will never load my music...

Cole Camplese

Chris, sorry to hear that. What is killing you? Still the slow transfer rates?

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