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Chris Stubbs

The first primarily educational game I ever remember playing was a little ditty called "Number Munchers". It didnt boast stellar graphics or a John Williams soundtrack. It didnt have a captivating story or beautifully written dialogue. There was no multiplayer component the ways games today do, and the only controls you needed to know were the 4 directions and a spacebar. Did you steal any cars? Nope. Blow up any aliens? Nadda. In fact there really wasnt anything even remotely cool about number munchers at all...

And you've never seen so many kids skip recess to crowd around and get a chance to learn math. Read that line again. It was simple. It was competitive. It was fun. And I still remember my prime numbers =)

To me, EduGaming is all about scratching people where they itch - turning the mundane, boring, or bland into something interesting, interactive, and fun. But fun in the video gaming world means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and that is going to be a big challenge as the field of educational games moves forward.

I have a hunch that a few years down the road, when EduGaming becomes more prevalent, we'll be talking about a student's "gaming style" skin to their learning style. Quick hitting, simple games, mobile games, social games, complex games - I think they will all have their place in an educational toolbox, depending on the type of student and the type of material being covered.

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