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Derek Morr

How do you plan to integrate the iPhone wiki content into ETS' iPhone site?

Cole Camplese

Probably by hand. There isn't too much content over there -- the last time I checked. When I have a minute I'll try to make sense of it.

How's your iPhone treating you? How'd it go at the Library the other day?

Derek Morr

The library meeting was productive. There was lots of interest in using iPhones for mobile access to library databases. I asked a couple of the folks there to write up a description of what they want to do so we could have it on-hand for our meeting with Jeff.

As for my iPhone, I have mixed feelings. As a mobile web browser, it's great. The email client is so-so (I really want sorting and searching). As a phone, there are a lot of rough edges (lots of dropped calls, lots of missed calls because of too-quiet ring-tones, etc).


I am in agreement on the email -- I only use it when I am away from the office and only read messages that appear to be critical. I tend to drop calls in exactly the same places on campus -- somewhere between the 2nd and 1st floors of the Eisenhower parking deck, right by the Business Building, and as I approach Rider II ... other than that it has been good. I do tend to talk on the phone more with it -- I think that is b/c I enjoy the stereo headset. The ring is way too quiet! I miss way too many calls that way.

Glad to hear the Library meeting went well.

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