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Kyle Peck

I TOTALLY agree with what you propose as valuable enhancements to Keynote!! Please add my voice to yours if an when you communicate with Apple. That makes so much sense. The Keynote files are beautiful, but therefore big, and the traditional model of saving copies and making moficiations doesn[t make sesne.

Treating each slide as an asset (or at least key slides we feelothers would be interested in sharing) could also be beneficial. I picture a flickr-like "digital commons" (with creative commons licensing built in) where presenters might post tagged slidees that people could assemble to suit their needs.

If you do decide to talk with Apple about such a feature to Keynote, please try to get them to add something I've suggested, in vain. I think that there should be a field a presenter can use fo accept input from an audience -- the way we generally use flip chart pages. The current view of "presntation software" is one ot many, but most presentations are really made in smaller meetings, and even in large meetings I like to ask questions for the audience, and then refer to their responses during the presentation. (For that reason, I think that we should be able to give a varaiable name to the field into which we are able to type so that we can call the contents into a later slide for future reference. (BTW, I used to do this, back in the day, using HyperCard, and nwo I sometimes am forced to kludge it using Excel. This could really add interaction to presentation software and perhaps tone down the "death by "PowerPoint" criticism.

Good insights, Cole. Let me know if I can help you make the case for your proposed changes with Apple.

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