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I really enjoyed the family orientedness of your last theme -- where you placed pictures in the header of you and your family which gave a sense of something other than techno-junkie. It was reflective of your posts -- some technology, some human centerdess. But this new look is very windowsVista bubbly. Even the Microsoft Blue irks me. Then again I could remain in Google Reader and not venture to these parts of the Internet, but I did enjoy seeing your images of smiling people when I did venture...So either way, the questions arise -- Will this theme change the way you think? Of what you post? Will you allow the theme to dictate your thoughts to the extent of slowly becoming a 100% techno-semantic blog? Are themes that important?

You may do all of your posting using another service or the WP Interface, so these questions may not be that relevant to your setup. Still fun to think about design and its effect/affect on the people who are consumed by it.

Design...it really does matter!

Cole Camplese

I agree ... as I've looked at it more I am tending towards either really reworking it or switching all together. The Windows Vista reference makes me feel dirty. Thanks for the feedback!

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