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D'Arcy Norman

Nice. That portability is one of the main reasons I'm trying to move from the Drupal community blogging site to a WordPress Multiuser setup. The thought of exporting a student's work from a community drupal site makes me cringe, but WPMU has an easy peasy export/import utility. Gotta remember that it's not our content, it's theirs :-)

Cole Camplese

D ... Amen! Giving "them" complete control over their content is key to this whole thing. I am watching both of your new adventures -- Blogs at UC and the public sector space you are going for. I am hoping people at your University and in your city get the value associated with what you are up to. If I had a wish, I would ask the Pennsylvania State Government to create a blog space that students in the K-12 space could have to do ePortfolio stuff with -- all paid for by my tax dollars. How cool would it be for local/state/federal legislators to understand how important digital expression and personal reflection is to the overall life long learning traits we are trying to build? The things you are doing hit that mark -- even if people don't get it -- yet!

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