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I completely agree with your post, Cole. Sometimes what we say on twitter and blogs is not only relevant to that moment, but they truly have become our 'digital diary'. I certainly feel that way and I know that at times I've looked back on something I wrote and thought "Did I really say that?". It's amazing what we can learn about each other.. and ourselves in these spaces.

Chris L

Quite interesting for a couple of reasons. First, your Twittering and blog posts about using Twitter in different ways were some of the first that got me really interested in it-- it was a slightly cruel irony that you kind of dropped off the scene just as I rolled in (though I didn't take it personally :)

Second, I'm more than casually interested in the idea of artifacts and our historical trail-- social and otherwise-- and until you commented on it I really hadn't thought about the granularity in which we add to that material history by regularly using Twitter. But it fits perfectly in my understanding of smaller and smaller "quanta" of information being passed around in these systems. Twitter is the closest intentional act we have to the (so far) atomic unit of presence in social systems, the pure gesture...


Precisely, and suggestively! Great post.


Glad to see you thinking about twitter again. It was your posts a year or so ago and nudged me up the twitter interest curve.

Jeff Swain

Very interesting perspective on Twitter and digital artifacts. I to recently returned to Twitter after months of enstrangement and looking at Twitter from the perspective of your post makes me feel it is imperative for me to some how get a handle on all the little pieces of me that are out there.

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