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Christopher Long

This is very helpful information for those of us thinking about how best to implement technology in the classroom. Do you have some more statistics on the number of undergraduate students at PSU who own a laptop?

Also, I would be interested in any other information you might have about what hardware and software we can expect our students to own when they arrive on campus. For example, what is the Mac to PC breakdown, does everyone own a computer of some kind?

Cole Camplese

Chris, I can share all of that. In the most recent FACAC survey we asked all those kinds of questions. We've been collecting data to help us make decisions for around 20 years now. I'll share more in a future post!

Pete Eberle

Good analysis Cole. I've gained a better insight to our student's technology utilization. This information will help me in designing course projects as I build my syllabi for fall 2008 semester.

Cole Camplese

I am thinking about doing a post a day for the month of August breaking down one discovery from the FACAC survey. Would that help as well?

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