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Kyle S.

With instructor buy-in it would be possible to avoid uploading the images of diagams, graphs, etc... I'm imagining a collection of images (Flickr?) of the diagrams student would normally be expected to draw (or annotate in the case of the instructor publishing slides for printing prior to class). The images could then be embedded in the blog(s) before or after class with the notes built around them.

The organization of the images with tags would make it very easy for students to find what they're looking for.

Nikki Massaro Kauffman

Great point, Shannon. I still hear from people who are irked by participants who do not take written notes at sessions/meetings, but are just as perturbed at those who bring in a laptop.

We need people to understand that digital note-taking is preferable to paper in that it can be indexed, searchable, shareable, and easily duplicated (for the purposes of disaster recovery). After all, it is just as easy to feign paying attention with a piece of paper by doodling in the marginalia. A captive audience is a captive audience, regardless of the tools you allow or deny them. Quality teaching and an engaging experience is what draws them in.

Nikki Massaro Kauffman

Sounds like a great idea! Also, why not take it one step further and in addition to blogging encourage hashtags for courses?

I love the idea of blogging as note taking, but the perfectionists of the bunch may have trouble just churning out notes at the pace of a lecture when they could tweet a few notes, pull the aggregated tweets later, and construct a more thoughtful post. (This would be the virtual equivalent of those students who recopied their scribbled notes into neater form later--don't laugh, some of us actually *did* this and probably retained more information from the act of reorganizing the information!)

Students get the added benefit of being exposed to the reactions of their peers to the same experience. If they miss a note, someone else may have tweeted it. They also get exposed to multiple interpretations of the same lecture and are shaped by them. The instructor would have immediate feedback as well.

Shannon Ritter

I love the idea as well and it makes perfect sense. I think this has to start with faculty though. I think there's still this sense that if you're not 'writing' then you're not paying attention. There's this pervasive idea that if you're "online" then you're chatting with friends and 'disrespecting' the faculty member by not paying attention. Even at the TLT Symposium we had a faculty member tell us that they felt it was rude for us to be typing/twittering during sessions.

So, I think if we get faculty members engaged as a first step.. and they proactively work with students to get this set up and encourage this during class, those students will immediately see the benefit of note-taking this way and continue to do it for other courses (where it's encouraged).

Students would certainly want to be more efficient in their note-taking and studying so anything we can do to help that is certainly a great thing in my mind. We just .. once again.. have to invite them to participate.

Cole Camplese

These are great points. What I am seeing is the confluence of laptops, tools, and emerging acceptance. While I'd love to see 100% of faculty understanding it is OK to type notes in class, I think it'll take success stories from the already there 36% to help it along. I am wondering how difficult it would be to run a pilot that embraced this approach and then worked to expose the model?

I am also interested in exploring a new theme for the blogging platform that plays to the look and feel of a notebook. Maybe taking a nod from Nikki with the ability to produce smaller notes and reassemble them? That is a really interesting concept.


I monkeyed around with this when the blogs @ PSU pilot launched.


In addition to being able to search through my notes with much greater efficiency, I really was hoping this would be a method to keep the conversation alive. I'd send the blog entry URL to the meeting attendants, hoping the notes might continue the discussion (which usually ends abruptly when you leave the conference room). Only a handful of people 'got it' and continued the brainstorming after the initial meeting ended.

A few of my students are actually doing this for my IST 110 class this summer. I'll have to ask them if they like this style of note taking and maybe get a few leads for research questions we could ask around this topic.

Shannon Ritter

That is a fantastic idea, Kyle. I love the idea of the instructor providing the digital assets for the course and allowing the students to pull from those assets for their own blog notes.

Cole Camplese

Kyle, what is interesting about this idea is that if the faculty member were willing to do this, the repository of content elements could grow over time. I could imagine combining stuff created by the instructor, with stuff mashed up by the students (that included personal notes), with some other materials built by multimedia developers ... that would add up to an amazing set of resources over time. The other thing I am thinking about is the "add note" feature in Flickr to create some really simple and slick annotations.

I hadn't thought about the power of the embed code opportunities that we could tap into with this approach. When you think about faculty using social spaces for course slides and resources this whole approach gets really interesting. Students focus on gathering the right notes from lectures and can easily embed faculty provided assets for greater depth of analysis later on. Cool ideas.

Will Chinda

Great post, but I wonder if some faculty might have qualms about having the content of their lectures publicly available on the web. Maybe it would make more sense to just add some blog capabilities (like tagging) to another "cloud" documents app like Google Docs?

Cole Camplese

Will ... very good point. Google Docs open up all sorts of new possibilities as well. To your point of faculty might not being into "lots of notes in the cloud" of their content, PSU offers protected personal space. This space is like their personal webspace, but they have individual control over who can access it.

This fall we are very hopeful that we can release a secure version of our blogging platform. We are working right now to finish the protected side of blogging at PSU. I think private note publishing could become very popular if we can make the mental leap.

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