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I'd reeeealy clean up that database as much as possible beforehand. There's probably a backload of spam comments, which WP doesn't really DO anything with so I have no idea why they are kept, as well as rss feed caching all over the place in the options table.

That's where I'd start.

I'd also pick a different new host, sorry. :-/ Limiting your database size now means that they'd likely not be happy should you get more popular.

As for the export only going partway through - the db cleanup might help, as well as upping php memory limits. which, you may even be able to do on shared.

Although I do have to say on really large blog exports, things have a higher chance of getting messed up. Straight database to database is definitely safer.

Alan Levine

I'd most highly recommend the full database export (which you, ahem) should do as a regular habit (there is a nice Wp-backup plugin).

You can likely reduce a good amount of file size, if you have access to a db amin tool like phpMyAdmin; on viewing your tables there is a menu at the bottom to "select tables with overhead" meaning tables with extra space, and then you select "optimize" - this reduces.

I doubt if the database is any cause of performance issues, but if it has never been optimized, that may help.

If you ever had SK2 installed, it generates a lot of stuff you may be able to kill.

There are some ways around the large database file. It is just a text file with SQL commands that build and populate the tables, and, with some know how, you can segment it into a series of smaller files, and upload it in batches. I have done this before.

The one thing to consider is if in your move, the URLs will change or not (will you maintain the same directory structure?)- If you change anything, you *can* do some global search and replace so you dont break old paths to images or posts; but it is better if you can keep the structure. I had to do this when I moved my first WP blog from Maricopa out to my own domain.

I'd be glad to try and help.

When looking at hosts, you definitely want one that provides a MySQL tool like phpMyAdmin.

Jim Groom

Glad to see it worked Cole!

@andrea_r You really do rule, and that @cogdog character ain;t so shabby either!

Cole Camplese

Thanks Jim! I ended up doing what I knew was the right thing to do -- actually move the database. I had to do it table by table, each time doing find and replaces, to get it to work. Nice thing is that I cleaned a ton of garbage out in the process.

Alan Levine

Nicely done!

but hey, set up some prettier permalinks ;-) ?p=1322 is like so machine code database id-ish

Cole Camplese

You know, I thought about changing the permalink structure, but I am worried about all the internal linking I've done through the years. Does WP auto-resolve those things if I change it now?

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