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Dean Blackstock

whoa...i should've used some html or something to format my post...DOH!

Dean Blackstock

As for a syncing solution...

Dropbox looks like a great lil' application to keep multiple machines synchronized. From watching the Dropbox video, it looks as if there is one Dropbox folder that syncs (instead of you choosing which folder to sync). I may be wrong, and will have to download dropbox to find out if I can leave files in whatever location I choose and see if they will sync properly, or if I am constrained to only use the Dropbox folder. If I am constrained, then that wouldn't be my most preferred solution because I would have to duplicate files to the Dropbox folder.

Since I've been mobile (as of November), I was in need of a file sync solution. I use my desktop for primary development while in my home office. And Jin Sung An enlightened me to a free file sync app called Unison.

Unison is awesome and works well for my set up. It allows me to synchronize any folder (or file) across machines over my local network.

Unison isn't an automated solution for syncing, so I had to use Crontab to set up "sync jobs".

And I had to use a shared key for passwordless login between machines so I didn't have to log into the remote machine to sync. The passwordless login does what it needs to do to give me access via ssh.

Once set up, it was and is effortless. I have my crontab jobs sync at 5 minute intervals. This way, I know that all I have to do is turn on both computers on my home network for at least 5 minutes (while I brush my teeth) and all of my work files and ichats and 1Password files and keychains and Stickies etc. are synced up automatically. It makes working on the same files on multiple machines a seamless experience.

Here is an example of the code you need after you set up your passwordless login and crontab -

*/5 * * * * /sw/bin/unison -batch -servercmd /sw/bin/unison /Users/dean/Library/StickiesDatabase ssh://[email protected]//Users/deanblackstock/Library/StickiesDatabase

This code will, in effect, sync my Stickies between my Mac Pro and my Macbook Pro at 5 minute intervals.

Thanx Jin for showing me Unison. Hope others can dig on its worth. =)

Cheers Cole!


Ah.. remember the days of pencils and paper?

Do you think all these technological tools (not yours specifically, but in general) help or hinder the work place in a way that they have become more of a distraction than a tool?

Cole Camplese

I think they help ... but it takes time to find the solutions that work for you. I still use paper for some of the notes I take, but it has become less and less with the rise of good note taking tools and smaller form factor machines. One thing I notice is how acceptable it is to have a laptop open in a meeting these days. That used to be sort of a distraction to those around the table -- I think that has changed. One thing that is still frustrating is all the "side" work that goes on when technology is around ... it is easy to get lost in email, stock quotes, or RSS feeds instead of staying focused. But again I think the ability to focus is something one can develop with practice. What do you think?

Mark Burke

What about ownership of files in the cloud. The organization I was with once used Google Docs. After reading the fine print moved away due to concerns over file ownership. While not all were files that would mean anything to anyone else, they were still proprietary.

Is the concern over ownership and issue for anyone?

Scott McDonald

One tool that I find valuable is Yojimbo. It syncs across machines and has great organization. I use it for all my notes and I know that my stuff is not going to get lost.

The ownership question is something I have been thinking about, especially with the rise of online financial tools like Mint.com. So far I have been hesitant to put too much on someone else's server (except for PSU) as I just get nervous about access by others. Maybe that is paranoid or naive, but it is how I am working right now.

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