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david stong

Talk about openness all you want, but those words are meaningless compared to this. Absolutely wonderful. I hope you can snag her for a regular feature.


that's my girl... "everyone is MY Valentine, Daddy."

Cole Camplese

@Kristin And she is right (at least in our house)!

joel galbraith

Great stuff. What a darling idea. I've had these types of discussions with some of my kids, but never thought to record them...I see a copycat experience in the works. Thx.
-Joel G.

Cole Camplese

@joel galbraith Thanks, Joel! They are always a lot of fun and you never know what is going to come out of her mouth. The ones from a couple of years ago are so much fun to go back and listen to.

Kyle Peck

Wow. What an articulate young lady. I enjoyed her thoughts on assessment. They reminded me that it's not necessarily the assessments that kids come to dislike, it's the use that's made of the data. Grades are not terribly painful for strong students who are labeled as being at the top (like Maddie) but they don't feel so good for the "BBs" of the world. Thanks for sharing this fun moment with us! What a great kid!

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