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Hi Cole,

I'm so glad that Madeline had a great year! I agree that it is all about backing off and letting the kids handle and build upon their own experiences. I've learned that this year too.

I completely join you in your dismay that the schools won't go 'nut-free' or adopt a more food allergy-friendly environment. This is a feeling that was only reinforced when I picked up my Kindergartner from her last day today, and she casually mentioned that her class had two last day snacks today that she (and the other food allergic child in class) could not eat. As you noted about your family, I probably care more about and am more hurt by the continued food-related exclusion than my daughter was, but it still sucks. There should be accommodations so that every child can equally participate in every activity. (I won't even get started on the fact that the other kids were eating donuts and cake today---there's a whole other side to in-school nutrition that is maddening to me.) :)

Anyway, I still hope to someday start a parenting advocacy group in the SCASD for food allergic kids. (Unless there already is one that I don't know of.) I think it will take time, but I know we can eventually impact change in this area.

Doug of Bellefonte, PA


Thanks for the post. As I said in the tweet, this sure rang some memory bells. My sons are grown now, but your daughter's experience -- and your's -- is more common than we ought to expect. The "school rules" world is more about crowd control than education, and in our experience, is worse later on. (Sorry)

Tell your daughter we're proud of her, too. Have a great summer.

Cole Camplese

Thanks, Doug. Tough year, but it was all worth it in the end. Gotta get my seatbelt on for the ongoing saga however. Thanks for the comment!


Ahh, parenthood. The gift that keeps on giving... in such unexpected ways. Really nice post, and good to know that the end of the year was so much better than the beginning. I really can't blame her friends for wanting to be at the Awesome Squad table along with her; belonging is a powerful need.

Happy summer, Maddie! You've earned it.

david stong

Beautiful post. Sure hope Maddiecast broadcasts over the summer.

Clint Lalonde

Great post. Thanks for sharing your (and your daughter's) story. It sounds like the year, while difficult for both of you, provided many teachable moments and you were able to help your daughter navigate some difficult waters.

I am curious about transitioning from the Montessori system to the public one. We have a 3 year old (also with a severe peanut allergy) and have been curious about Montessori. Have you heard similar transition stories from other Montessori parents? I would suspect that the flexible Montessori approach vs. the more rigid grade school structure is a bit of a challenge for many kids to navigate through.

Megan Fritz

I've been reading your work since attending the TLT Symposium this year. I can really identify with your year....who thought kindergarten and first grade would be so difficult for us parents? I haven't yet found the happy medium for "when to keep quiet" and "when to ask important thought-provoking questions" within our school district. Although I know that no one teaches the same way, there are many effective strategies that aren't in place and I want my daughter to be able to thrive with those strategies. I'm going to take your advice and begin an eportfolio for my daughter. I think she would really enjoy that; and showing her teacher and tech teacher wouldn't hurt, right????? Here is my most recent post that addresses tech use in our school: http://mokmfritzblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/meaningful-use-of-technology-in.html Looking forward to moving through this journey with you and others who have commented on your blog....at least I know that I'm not the only one w/ these feelings! Thanks!!!

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