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Jeff Swain

I think you touched on why mobile is the next big thing--its ability to drive traffic. This makes everything else it provides that much more valuable.

Just think of how it will change Teaching and Learning.

Alan Levine

iPhone 3GS = Flip Killer ?

Cole Camplese

@Jeff ... I completely agree. In the last week or so I've become totally absorbed into the mobile space. I love where all this going!

@Alan ... I think you nailed it. I played with the video today and the quality is sick.


@Alan, @Cole... Good to know I don't have to choose between one or the other. Perhaps this is the tipping point I've been waiting for to make the iPhone plunge.

Kyle Dickson

I've been carrying a Kodak Zi6 for a while--all the fun of Flip without proprietary formats--but I'd agree Standard Def off of a phone makes this the video camera that's always with me.

Though YouTube gets the edge out of the gate, my real hope is that WordPress, Flickr, and others will build audio/video recording (or uploading) into their native apps in the same way they did photos. These are the crucial pieces needed for the iPhone to become an equal opportunity media player and producer.

Thanks for bringing these threads together.

Bob Calder

By keeping video off the iPhone, Apple said that content creation is more immportant than a casual cell phone shot. It is something to be thought about and prepared.

They didn't consider that their users want to use their phones in ways Apple didn't think about. No surprise. They have a paternalistic streak a mile wide.

Howwever, the run toward putting everything on one device *is* a bit headlong and unthinking. Cell phones provide great video considering how small they are. AND people want them. But it stops there. It is after all is said and done the equivalent of a Kodak Brownie.

I think what we need is instant access more than convenience because most digital devices are just too slow. That's what cell pones give you - speed.

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