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As I look for a new job, this is the kind of stuff that makes me want to give industry a go...but with the right company.

I feel like I'm "on the job" 10+ hours a day, regardless of whether I'm in my office from 9-5. IM'ing with students at 10pm, emailing colleagues at 7:30am from home, preparing labs and syllabi after dinner at 7pm...it's all work. As long as the work gets done and exceeds expectations..that's what counts.

Cole Camplese

I agree. But what about the folks who don't look at their jobs like you do? Are we at a distinct disadvantage b/c of our lumbering policies?

E Pyatt

Of course it could work in higher education - this is pretty much what faculty have. As long as instructors appear in the classroom, office hours and key meetings, they are not really monitored as to their whereabouts.

It could work for most of us too...but I notice that even NetFlix distinguishes between "hourly" employees (i.e. customer service) who are required to have regular hours and "salaried" employees (the programmers/executives) who have the time flexibility.

We may have gotten away from blue/white collar distinction but we still have the support staff vs. "the talent" (can't think of a better word) - even in ETS.

I'm not saying this is wrong because support (customer service for consumers, and internal support including tech support) is critical to modern operations. I know my life would be incomplete without the Post-Its that get ordered regularly.

But I think it's important to remember that we do operate on multiple tiers somewhat at ETS and consider options to make the experience rewarding for everyone...even if not everyone can have the same work schedule flexibility.

A company who I think is a good example of treating their customer service right is Land's End. Whenever I call, they know how to help and are always friendly. The same is true at Wegman's where people are uniformly friendly and helpful even though most employees are "mere" cashiers or stock people. That can't happen unless they are well-trained, well-respected and well-rewarded.

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