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Alan Levine

Not only should you roll your own, you should sm....

It's all about tradeoffs- you want total freedom to use anything, customize to the nth degree, then you take on the responsibility of running it clean. You want someone to work at nipping the baddies? Give up some freedom.

Having the choice is good, but let's be realistic on what it entails. I cannot think of anything easier to update then my hosted WordPress (except on my NMC sites, where I have the wrong unix owner of our web director, another story).

Durand Robinson

I feel your pain. I am, first and foremost a curriculum developer, writing content and developing learning environments for face to face education. Over the years I've tried to stay on the curl of the wave with media production, web development and online learning tools. But the creator in me is feeling the fatigue of doing it all.

In all honesty, I think the answer lies not in stream-lining the technical demands of what we do but in our fighting for creative teams to remain an essential part of our planning and budgets... not just a luxury of the past. If Pixar can invest that way to entertain us, how much more should we be investing to educate ourselves.

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