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Eric Aitala

Have you investigated Squarespace.com? I head about it on MacBreak Weekly and tested it out. Its pretty nice and you should be able to import your WP data in (and out) of it easily.


Cole Camplese

Hi Eric ... just this week I looked at SquareSpace. I was impressed, but not enough to consider it a viable option for me. I actually tried to import my blog into it, but it choked and couldn't make it happen. I may take another, closer, look at it. Have you used it?

Elizabeth Dudkin

You must really be in pain, since the Blogs@PSU are painful for me to use. I spent some time on Ning, but I don't know how useful it would be. It turns out I'm not much of a blogger--too inhibited to put what's really on my mind on the web. Also, fairly certain it will get me fired.


I may be biased, but I think TypePad is the way to go. :)

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