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April Sheninger

As someone who has directly benefited from these services, I can honestly say that the Digital Strategy is working in a number of ways. ETS did good work before. The difference now, I think, is that ETS provides leadership in ways that are open, inclusive, and community building. What I appreciate most is the push towards supporting decisions with research while still being proactive, responsive and supportive. Thanks for making my job easier.

Cole Camplese

And thank you for the vote of confidence, approval, and feedback! The idea has been from the start to understand where our students are spending their time in technical sense and then think hard about how it translates into education. One of the huge benefits of working in ETS has been the ability to look at data from across the Institution to support decision making. We are always watching the trends, but now we can make decisions that don't start with, "I bet if we did blah ..." Openness is just a part of it all that makes it worth the effort -- without it there aren't the killer conversations we all get to have.

Tanya Heins

Hi Cole. Thanks for the post. I was part of those initial meetings working with Nate and Frances on the Apple side of the fence. It's wonderful to hear and see the results of your innovation these years later. Kudos.

Cole Camplese

Hi Tanya! I loved those days of working with you and Frances to flesh out what has become a critical success at PSU. I'd love to really be able to share the really big picture, but it is tough to do it justice. I just wanted to take a minute and thank those behind all of it ... the Digital Campus project gave me the confidence I needed to introduce some (believe it or not) radical thoughts on what academic computing should look like. Thanks so much for finding the post and for commenting. You made my evening! I hope all is well and would love to catch up sometime! If you ever see/talk to Frances, please tell her I said hello!

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