Scott McDonald and I are getting set to once again teach our CI597 Disruptive Technologies in Teaching and Learning course again. I love the reaction people give us when they ask us the title of the course. I think so many people walk around with a really negative view of how technology can be used to support learning -- way too many folks think we are just shoving technology at students. I don't think that could be any further from the truth in our course. Our goal is always to help students work to understand the affordances of technologies within the context of designing learning environments. We will once again press our students to explore notions of community, identity, and design as we ask them to participate in lots of mini experiments along the way.
We want them to see not the specific technologies but what can be accomplished along the path of teaching and learning with technology -- we want them to recognize how many of the new environments we are all participating in online can create and support a much richer learning experience. We want them to sit up and take some risks and explore. I'll be sharing more thoughts about where we are and what we are doing as the spring semester gets rolling.
Is that Windows 7 he's using?
Posted by: Pat Besong | 12/14/2009 at 09:14 AM
I thought I recognized the shutdown chime there at the end!
Posted by: Cole Camplese | 12/14/2009 at 09:17 AM