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Congrats on the anniversary, Cole, and thanks for this wonderful and reflective piece. Long live the blog!

Jen Lee Reeves

Congrats!! My first blog was in Blogger in September 2004. I had a Geocities that started in 2002. It was soley mom blogging until you talked me into nerd blogging in 2007. It's amazing how times have changed. I mainly use WordPress now but continue to experiment. Thanks for your constant insight. I'm lucky to have been a reader of yours since 2005!


Right on. I think having these growing spaces for reflection and sharing are so important. I have blogged in many different spaces over the years and when I moved I've never bothered taking my old stuff over. I still have it all somewhere. I think it has taken me a while to even begin to find my voice. I have had a hard time in the past valuing my posts even just for their personal importance. Wrong-headed of me.

Happy blogoversary!

Cole Camplese

Brad, I tried not too long ago to dig through all my old floppies from college so I could post some of the stuff I had written back then here. They were all bunk. That in and of itself tells me publishing in an online space is a (hopefully) smarter long term strategy. To the point of finding one's voice ... it is there, it just needs to be flexed and used. Writing often helps bring that voice forward.

Matt, I appreciate the comment and couldn't agree more that the blog is a space to be celebrated!

Jen, I think it is cool that we both sort of showed up in this same space at the same time ... we really owe Apple and Peter Hoffman some serious thanks for bringing us together! The Apple Digital Campus team and project served to solidify my thinking and was the catalyst for pushing forward into the read/write web. I'm lucky to have you as a friend and colleague!

Bryan Alexander

Userland! (Bryan pauses to enjoy a wave of nostalgia)

Congratulations on the anniversary, Cole. Best wishes for many more.

Cole Camplese

Thanks, Bryan! I did some more digging last night trying to find entries from a bunch of previous blog spaces I had prior to 2004 and came up empty. It is quite disappointing and a huge reason why I love this space so much. I actually have a place to keep things in a more ongoing, long-term fashion.

Yes, Userland! An amazing toolset for its time -- as a matter of fact I can think of dozens of problems it could solve for me even today.

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