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Michael J. Faris

The issue you raise (the dashboard at one site, and the blog at another) was very confusing to a number of my students last spring. I'm glad you're thinking through things and considering other options.

This issue is one reason why I like WordPress better than MT — the dashboard is in the same folder system as the blog, and easier and more "intuitive" to access than a system that requires a different URL for the dashboard. But you're right that many of our students are used to the website reading experience and writing experience being on the very same page. Completely different than a dashboard logic (though I prefer the dashboard, but that's a pre-Facebook pre-Twitter mentality).


I completely agree with this post. The Wordpress dashboard (and the MT one on Blogs@PSU) has always given me fits (and I have a computer science degree and have been blogging for ten years!). Yesterday I was trying to move a blog on Tumblr to Wordpress so I could have some more control over some of the content. I gave up after an hour b/c I was sick of fighting with Wordpress's overly confusing dashboard.

I don't frequently blog, but my blog runs a software package called Scanty (http://adam.heroku.com/past/2008/11/4/scanty_the_blog_thats_almost_nothing/) that does what you describe. You log in using a link on the main page of the blog & post content right from there. It's also how you edit and delete posts. Content creation on that software couldn't be simpler.

Michael J. Faris

Cool, Oncomouse.

Also, when are websites going to learn that the closing parenthesis is not part of a URL? Oncomouse's link sans parenthesis: http://adam.heroku.com/past/2008/11/4/scanty_the_blog_thats_almost_nothing/

Damon Cook

Front-end editor plugin for Wordpress works nicely, and I think Posterous does a nice job of this implementation too. I'm curious to see what comes of the HTML5 spec for content-editable regions. This could be a nice way to integrate WYSIWYG editor too. I hate Dashboards, but I hate widgets and Portals just as much. Lame design paradigms.

Christopher P. Long

Cole, this will be great. It will again transform the way we interact with our students and the ways students interact with one another. I think the more the dashboard can get out of the way of our ability to engage ideas online, the better.

Of course, I would also like to see some of the other aspects of the TypePad platform on our Moveable Type install. For example, the following/followers feature.

Keep up the good work!

Christopher P. Long

Oh, one other thing, I love the way Posterous uses email to allow you to post directly to your Posterous blog. Any chance for something like that for the blogs@psu platform?

Phil Tietjen

Dashboard-free authoring definitely seems to lower the barriers to participation.

Dashboard Software Reporter

It's difficult to make one dashboard that makes sense to everyone who sees it. We all have interpret information in unique ways. It's really best to allow individuals to design their own. And while even that isn't perfect, it's a step in the right direction.

Amy Deuink

Hoo-ray! I love the idea! I think I'd probably post to my blog more if it had more of an "on-the-fly" feel. The more Tumblr-like, the better... with the Dashboard for tweaking if/when you have time or desire to mess around.

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