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Matt Meyer

Almost like VH1's "Behind the Music". Perhaps PSU's "Behind the Learning"? I like this idea a lot. I think there are a number of reasons this would be VERY interesting. The number one being that it would be great insight into different instructors' preparation process and their thinking. Shared across disciplines, I think we'd see some of that cross-pollination we seek in our engagements in ETS. I also think it would be great to increase the awareness among many audiences (other faculty, students, staff) to the amount of preparation necessary to delivery an engaging class. For example, in the training world the metric for delivering 1 hour of classroom training was 40 hours of preparation. So many NEVER believed that until they took part in the preparation. Lastly (for now), I think this digital story would serve as a great artifact for faculty as they go through this reflective practice. So often we overlook how we came to certain decisions and practices and this would help everyone look back at the "why" in so many instances.

Cole Camplese

Matt, I love the idea of "behind the learning" or "behind the teaching" as what this is all about. We could do profiles of the faculty who are teaching and the students taking the courses. I just think it would be something that would provide a new insight into the depths of what it takes to engage or be engaged. I'd love for it to happen in a way that people might want to follow a series from a faculty member over the course of the semester.

Matt Meyer

This is juicy. I can envision picking a faculty member and putting a small team together that includes digital commons folks to pull this off. A natural faculty member might be any of the summer 2010 faculty fellows as we follow as they emerge from their summer fellowship. It could really resonate with other faculty to follow this. If they do, we could provide opportunities for them to pick any particular element to pursue and join some type of discussion. Might be really neat.


I dig. We go into this and learn about certain engagement strategies as we go. Maybe even end up changing how a faculty member approaches what they do after they are forced to reflect on video. A learning experience for everyone and the potential for just great content.

Cole Camplese

I am really starting to get interested in the potential all around this. The idea that we could do as Brad says and "learn about certain engagement strategies as we go" is really exciting. After reading Matt's second comment I am really starting to see this as a series of episodes that could become very compelling. Imagine if we did this during the Faculty Fellowship and continued the practice through the capturing of the course. We'd end up with a record of redesign all the way through implementation, reflection, assessment, and reflection. Through some students into the mix and it could be a very powerful concept.

Christopher P. Long

One of the most compelling things about using the blog in my classes is what happens when we as a class reflect upon the structure and design of the course. Those moments of meta-teaching and learning, when we reflect together upon what we are doing and how the design of the course impacts what is possible and not possible in the classroom are some of the most educationally transformative moments in the class.

An example of the sort of feedback you can get from students when you ask them to think about the structure of a course can be read in the comments I received to a post associated with a presentation I gave at Utah Valley University last fall:


So, I think the idea of pulling back the curtain on course design as a pedagogical practice is an excellent approach. I would be happy to participate.

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