This One Post a Day thing has been leading me down a path of near insanity this month. I can't tell you if it was sitting and talking with Jim Groom at ELI or the "no we can't attitude" I heard from so many people in higher education. I can't tell you if it has been the fact that I'm taking a course this semester or if its because I am watching my daughter go through the first grade. I can't tell you if its the way the Nation itself is completely jacked up or if its been the countless raging discussions I've been having every day lately. I think if I really reflect on it all perhaps it is the confluence of all these factors that have lead me to feeling the way I do. All I know is that I can't go back to how I was feeling in January. How do I feel? Sort of pissed off.
I hope this is not the new me. I am hopeful. Just writing that makes me feel a little better. I am hopeful that I will find a way to put a lot of how I am feeling into positive and proactive energy. That the anger and angst I am struggling with will give way to intense focus, energy, and passion to do something about all the things that have me going down this path.
One thing I've been thinking a lot about is time. Time in a sense that it only moves in one direction. There is no sense wasting a minute of the future trying to go back ... just isn't going to happen. So with that said, with two days left in this blogging challenge, I am going to ty and come to grips with where I am headed. Thanks to everyone for helping me get to this point -- I've needed a respite from the candyland of education and I've certainly needed to explore it in a place where others can chime in. I know one thing for certain, I don't think I can go back to writing about stuff that doesn't really matter.
The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, you can't let go and you can't hold on, you can't go back and you can't stand still, if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will. -- Jerry Garcia, The Wheel