Of all the devices I own, my cell phone is probably my most necessary and frustrating of them all. I keep saying that Cingular has pushed out the iPhone Update to my Treo 650 -- two weeks ago, as soon as I signed up to be notified of the release of the iPhone, my Treo just stopped doing the things I carry it for. I hate that damn phone, but it is the only thing I can keep my calendar on that works in the PSU environment. I could probably ask people to run an Exchange server and jump to the Blackberry, but that isn't going to happen just for my mail and calendar stuff. I find the Treo to have sub-standard voice quality, has sort of lame applications, and it is huge -- really huge. But at the end of the day it is what I have been stuck with. As a matter of fact, this past weekend I pulled my SIM card out of the Treo and dropped into my first generation Moto Razor. Why is it that this stuff is so hard?
Funny thing is the device I own that I love the most is my iPod. It gives me hope for the iPhone. Problem is still the whole calendar/mail universe that I need so badly. Right now, there isn't any evidence that the iPhone will play nicely in our eco-system. From what I understand, it works in an Exchange environment but we aren't in that world. I am anxious to not have a paper calendar, a crippled phone, and a massive level of frustration over the lack of sophistication in this space. The other side to this is that I really don't intend to use the iPhone as an iPod. I just want something to work and work well.